Best iPhone apps for a creative designer?
First of all, I’d like to take some precautions here… Generally I don’t like the “Best of” anything on the web because it’s never accurate to me. What is great for an accountant may not be suitable...
View ArticleTalent isn't everything
by Chanpory Rith on 2007/04/09 | Here’s a common myth: To be a successful creative professional, all you need is talent. It’s a nice myth to believe in. “Talent” suggests a divine or evolutionary...
View ArticleWhat is creativity?
You want a “creative” person for your company; that is a clever point. But… What for? Exactly? And, do you know what makes the difference between TWO creative? | First, you (we) need to agree on what...
View ArticleAIGA –"What is graphic design?"
AIGA, the professional association for design, stimulates thinking about design, demonstrates the value of design and empowers the success of designers at each stage of their careers. AIGA’s mission...
View ArticlePlaymobil Interview…! Second degré.
Ok. Now you will have an idea what French call the “Second degré“… Made this crazy video, made the music and “lyrics”, part with my iPhone and also the Mac (of course). What is the idea? Errr… Well,...
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